Mission, Vision & Values

Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce waste going into landfills by diverting recyclable waste back into manufacturing through action, education, and community engagement.

We carry out our mission in these five primary ways:

  • Expand our current programs of recycling types film plastic by diverting back into manufacturing process
  • Apply our economically sustainable model of plastic re-use to other types of trash
  • Influence manufacturers, packaging companies, waste management, government agencies, and community organizations to update industry practices and regulations
  • Educate the public in ways they can effect reduction in needless use and improper disposal of materials
  • Create a community around the activities

Lets fix the trash cycle: Reduce – Repair – Reuse – Recycle – Rot (decompose)

We aim to Take Back Trash

Our vision is to pave the way to a zero-virgin waste future through inspiring, educating and facilitating people to reduce, reuse, and recycle unwanted materials.

“Imagine a world without landfills! I believe everything can be reused, recycled, repaired, and rotted (composted and digested). Nature already works this way. Together, humans have the power to rethink our consumer impact and significantly change the way we get rid of waste. Let’s redefine trash!”
Sasha Ablitt
Sasha Ablitt

Our Vision

Imagine a world in which a connected community is inspired to develop a zero-virgin waste lifestyle through refuse reduction, reuse and recycling, and to enroll others to our cause in a spirit of fun and community.

We are dedicated to creating a healthier, more beautiful planet through trash reduction, re-use and recycling, and to enrolling others to our cause in a spirit of fun and community.

Working together, we envision…

…a world in which trash output is drastically reduced, and what remains is diverted away from our landfills, oceans and air through reuse and recycling. (needs people element)

…a world in which individuals and industry have worked together to achieve a near-zero virgin waste society.

…a world where plastic packaging & all types of re-usable waste simply doesn’t end up in our environment – because it doesn’t go the trash.

Cradle to Cradle® is a set of design principles which was developed in the 1990s by Prof. Dr. Michael Braungart, William McDonough and EPEA Hamburg. It stands for innovation, quality and beneficial design.

Our Values

Recycling-Reusing Type 2 and Type 4 Plastics
  • We believe that all humans – public organizations, private companies, and individuals – should take responsibility for the waste they create.
  • A consumer cannot recycle if a company does not make a recyclable product. And a company will not make recyclable product (or use recycled materials in products) if the government does not require them to bear the full cost of waste disposal created during and after their product is made.
  • We believe that any individual can make a difference, today, by learning about effective recycling practices, choosing packaging-free options and by spreading the word.
  • We believe that grassroots organizations change the world
  • We believe trash is unnatural – and that there will be a way that every item humans dispose of can be reused or recycled
  • We believe the current state of recycling is a lie at best, and is hurting, not helping!
  • We believe that when people understand this truth, things will change.

Planet Protectors are here to help!


Our mission-focused activities fall into five primary categories:
  • Establishing an economically sustainable business model by providing the connection between consumer supply and industry demand for recyclable plastics
  • Providing a location and infrastructure for collection, storage, and distribution of recyclable materials to manufacturers of environmentally safe, durable goods
  • Educating the public and other stakeholders on the following:
    • How to adjust their purchasing habits to reduce needless manufacture of virgin plastics
    • Choosing products utilizing recyclable materials and packaging
    • How to identify and sort film plastics for recycling
    • How to share best-practices with others to enroll others
  • Creating community and meaningful connection around this ecosystem model of recycling by building a volunteer force to maintain operations, by hosting events, and by connecting individuals via social media platforms
  • Collaborate with public and private organizations to innovate and apply additional methods and materials for recycling and re-use

Join & Take Action

Each week, Sasha Ablitt and a group of dedicated employees and volunteers set up shop at Ablitt’s to greet dozens of enthusiastic individuals from our local community, who are excited and passionate about making a tangible difference in our environment and our future. But participating in this program is only one of the ways you can help.
There are three primary ways your help can make a huge difference in the success of Planet Protectors’ mission:
Sorting Film Plastics
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